Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Essay on Positive Psychology

Essay on Positive Psychology Positive Psychology in Leadership Dec 19, 2018 in Psychology Leadership with Integrated Coaching Psychology is a science that studies behavior. Positive psychology, on the other hand, confines itself to the scientific study of human strengths that enable them to register better performance in different situations. Therefore, positive psychology nurtures peoples strengths and virtues that are instrumental in ensuring that they effectively and efficiently accomplish tasks. Leadership and integrated coaching is about raising leaders by nurturing their leadership skills as they hold leadership position. Therefore, Leadership and Integrated Coaching is a program that involves developing a programme similar to on-the-job training that individuals go through to improve their productivity. Positive psychology gives direction to coaching in leadership development. Through the use of positive psychology, strategies are developed to coach leaders by identifying areas that need improvement and working on them. Therefore, positive leadership ensures that individuals become better leaders by changing their mindsets and improving their execution skills. According to Quick Macik-Frey (2004), positive psychology serves as a basis upon which strategies and techniques used in leadership development are built. Positive psychology helps in determining interventions that can be integrated in a coaching relationship. A series of procedures are followed to help individuals in a leadership-coaching program to identify their behavioral strengths. Clients are coached on how to use their strengths in their lives and work. Positive psychology helps a coach to integrate the scientific study of behavior in the practice of leadership development. Positive psychology is guided by the assumption that peoples strengths motivate them to grow despite the fact that they may have weaknesses. Therefore, positive psychology focuses on strategies that leaders can use to focus on human strengths and alleviate human deficits.

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